What we offer
Your partner in decarbonization
At BNZ, we are a standalone energy producer specializing in the development, construction, and operation of solar photovoltaic projects, with over 1.7 GW of investments across Spain, Italy, and Portugal. Our primary mission is to generate 100% renewable energy, contributing to the transition toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy.
Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)
Proposal: We can design solutions to meet your needs in terms of physical/financial supply, volumes, tenor, structure and risk management.
Benefits: With a long-term green energy supply you will contribute to a better future for the next generation while securing energy procurement
towards budget predictability and gaining price competitiveness. Improve your brand image and attraction for potential customers and
Our added value: In BNZ, we are experts in energy and risk management. Several reputed corporations have already trusted in our know-how, experience and capabilities as a partner in the renewable energy sector.
Green Certificates (Guarantees of Origin)
Did you know? Nowadays it is possible to get certification from national regulators to ensure that the energy you are consuming comes from
renewable energy sources regardless of your energy retailer.
How it works? For each MWh generated in our renewable energy projects, we get a green certificate, known as Guarantee of Origin. It is
possible to transfer and redeem these certificates to consumers in order to be officially certified as 100% green.
What can we offer? BNZ can offer its clients green certificates in tailor-made deals to help achieve their ESG targets.